Nova Rotary harrow Green Star ZOLLI 6.1 roto drljača

Ako odlučite da kupite opremu po niskoj ceni, proverite da li komunicirate sa pravim prodavcem. Saznajte više o vlasniku opreme. Jedan od načina prevare je da se predstavi kao prava kompanija. U slučaju sumnje, obavestite nas o tome radi dodatne kontrole, putem obrasca za povratne informacije.
Pre nego što odlučite da napravite kupovinu, pažljivo pregledajte nekoliko prodajnih ponuda kako biste razumeli prosečnu vrednost izabranog modela opreme. Ako je cena ponude koja vam se sviđa mnogo niža od sličnih ponuda, razmotrite je. Značajna razlika u ceni može ukazati na skrivene nedostatke ili pokušaj prodavca da izvrši prevaru.
Ne kupujte proizvode čija je cena suviše različita od prosečne cene slične opreme.
Ne dajte saglasnost na sumnjive zaloge i plaćanje robe unapred. U slučaju sumnje, ne bojte se da pojasnite detalje, tražite dodatne fotografije i dokumente za opremu, proverite autentičnost dokumenata i postavjate pitanja.
Najčešća vrsta prevare. Nepošteni prodavci mogu zatražiti određenu količinu kapare da "rezervišu" vaše pravo na kupovinu opreme. Dakle, prevaranti mogu sakupiti veliki iznos i nestanu, i više se ne pojave.
- Prenos pretplate na karticu
- Nemojte plaćati unapred bez izdavanja dokumenata koji potvrđuju postupak prenosa novca, ako je vam tokom komunikacije prodavac postao sumnjičav.
- Prenos na račun "poverenika"
- Takav zahtev treba biti alarmantan, najverovatnije komunicirate sa prevarantom.
- Prenos na račun kompanije sa sličnim nazivom
- Budite oprezni, prevaranti se mogu sakriti iza poznatih kompanija, neznatno menjajući njihov naziv. Nemojte prenositi sredstva ako vam je naziv kompanije sumnjiv.
- Zamena sopstvenih podataka u fakturi stvarne kompanije
- Pre prenosa proverite da li su navedeni podaci tačni i da se odnose na navedenu kompaniju.
Kontakti prodavca

Tillage of soil covered with stubble or crop residues.
Destruction of crop residues and weeds in the “white thread” stage.
Leveling of the soil after pre-tillage.
Pre-sowing soil preparation on plowed fields.
Maintenance of perennial grasses and spring harrowing of winter and row crops.
Effectiveness: Destroys up to 99% of weeds and retains up to 3 times more soil moisture.
Gentleness: Damages only 1% of plants (compared to tooth harrows – 10-15%).
Herbicide-free: When applied in time, avoids the use of chemical products.
Adaptability: Suitable for plant cultivation up to 15 cm in height.
Working elements:
Teeth made of hardened 30ХГСА steel with special geometry for efficient soil penetration.
Adjustable springs ensure the same working depth for different soil types.
Teeth made of hardened 30ХГСА steel with special geometry for efficient soil penetration.
Adjustable springs ensure the same working depth for different soil types.
Made of 09Г2С steel for high strength and durability.
Reinforced rotary wheel stand with warranty up to 12,000 Ga.
Made of 09Г2С steel for high strength and durability.
Reinforced rotary wheel stand with warranty up to 12,000 Ga.
Bearing units:
Equipped with SKF bearings, which are maintenance free, with a warranty up to 2,000 Ga.
Equipped with SKF bearings, which are maintenance free, with a warranty up to 2,000 Ga.
Optional extras:
Scrubber for removing thread weeds.
Scrubber for removing thread weeds.
Support wheels
Lights and warning signs
Three types of implements:
Working element with replaceable John Deere teeth
Working element with replaceable John Deere teeth
Working element with replaceable teeth
Solid working element
Increases soil saturation with oxygen and nitrogen.
Saves fuel by reducing the load on the tractor.
Provides quick transition between transport and working position thanks to the hydraulic system (takes 3-5 minutes).
Universal for different types of soil and field conditions.
Certified international production.
Minimal maintenance thanks to patented materials.
Guarantees for major components up to 15,000 Ga.
Reliability and durability confirmed by multiple customers.
The Green Star ZOLLI 6.1 m rotary harrow is an innovative solution for your farm. Contact us for advice or to place an order. Provide your field with maximum productivity with equipment from Avers-Agro!
Operating personnel, persons : 1
Method of aggregation : On the three-point linkage